Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer notre participation au JEC World 2017, le salon international des professionnels des composites, qui aura lieu à Paris Nord-Villepinte du mardi 14 mars au jeudi 16 mars 2017. Evènement phare de l’année, le JEC World réunit l’ensemble des acteurs de l’industrie. Il permet de s’informer sur les toutes dernières nouveautés en matière de matériaux et de procédés de fabrication. Venez nous rendre visite sur notre stand J 82 (Hall 6) et n’hésitez pas à nous contacter à l’adresse suivante:
Découvrez ci-dessous les dernières actualités d'ISOMATEX
Le projet ANT-ARCTIC-LAB est le grand défi du skipper Norbert Sedlacek. Portant le nom des deux régions polaires de notre planête, le projet consiste en la construction d'un yacht destiné à relier les deux pôles en 2018.
Parce que « Nous n'héritons pas de la terre de nos parents [...]" mais que " [...] nous l'empruntons à nos enfants » (Antoine De SAINT-EXUPERY), Norbert Sedlacek a décidé de réaliser son yacht à base d'un produit durable et de qualité. Sans suprise, ce sont les produits FILAVA qui ont fait l'objet de son choix.
May 2016. ISOMATEX SA has recently pioneered a new hybrid fabric reinforcement for various high-end composites in the automotive, aircraft, boatbuilding and ballistic industries that uses FILAVATM fibres together with 3K high tenacity (HT) carbon fibres (3K HT CARBON).
This new hybrid fabric answers in particular the increasing demand from the automotive and aircraft industries for composite materials and successfully combines all the advantages of FILAVATM and 3K HT CARBON fibres. Together they deliver a reinforcement product that improves the high strength-to-weight ratio and dimensional stability while having remarkable properties like high elongation at break, high stiffness, high thermal insulation, high resin wettability (drape-ability), high fatigue resistance and a unique eye-catching colour and pattern when transformed into a composite part.
Avril 2016. ISOMATEX SA exposera le 27 et 28 avril 2016 au salon CITEXT à Troyes, en France. CITEXT est une convention d’affaires qui rassemble des professionnels internationaux, utilisateurs et producteurs de solutions textiles et matériaux souples fonctionnels. Plus d'infos sur: CITEXT 2016
February 2016. ISOMATEX SA is pleased to inform you that it will take part at the JEC World Composites Show, the world most important event for the composites industry that will take place at the Paris North Villepinte Exhibition Center from March 8th to 10th.
November 2015. AMANAC Standardization Workshop. Founder and Managing Director of ISOMATEX SA, Mr. Vartanian, has participated to the AMANAC (Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology) Cluster’s Industry Advisory Board workshop (IAB workshop).
September 2015. ISOMATEX SA is pleased to announce that GS4C has been appointed its representatives and agent for the Italian market representing all products and services developed by ISOMATEX to the composites and textiles related industries.
The HarWIN project
August 2015. On the occasion of the successful completion of the HarWIN project and on behalf of ISOMATEX’s team we would like to thank the whole consortium of members for their enthusiastic and invaluable contribution. We acknowledge in particular the support and the encouragement for this project given by the coordinator, Prof. Dr. Monika Willert-Porada. Supported by the European Commission through the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Development, the HarWIN project resulted in significant improvements in the energy efficiency of windows by applying multifunctional glass-polymer solutions. This project had been running since September 2012.
More info:
Composites Europe
August 2015. Visit us on Composites Europe 2015, Hall 5, stand F20J. We will be glad to present you with our recent developments at this event in Stuttgart
A wide list of woven fabrics available from now
June 2015. Thanks to a close collaboration with well-known European weaving companies, a large list of woven fabrics became now commercially available. More information is available at ISOMATEX’s Sales Department.