EU granted project FCC (FULL COMPOSITE CAR)
ISOMATEX’s team is pleased to announce the official launch of the international collaborative research and innovation project intitled FCC (Full Composite Car) whose goal is the development of the first lightweight car, fully made of composite reinforced by FILAVATM fibres and 100% recyclable, manufactured with high production throughput-rate.
This project is co-funded by Eurostars Programme, a joint programme between the European Commission and the first European funding and support programme EUREKA. It is specifically dedicated to R&D-performing EU SMEs (small- to medium-size enterprises) the aim of which is to improve their performances and focus on world-class market-oriented research and development.
The consortium of FCC market-driven project comprises the leading companies from the high-tech composite industry, while the leadership is provided by ISOMATEX. Through this project, which will run until the end of 2022, they will cooperate with renown EU research-centrums.
The kick-off meeting of FCC project was held on the 5th March 2019 in Gembloux, Belgium. Main objectives of the meeting were to set the official start of the project, establish relations between all partners, provide clarification about administrative tasks and define the specific work-packages that each participant will deliver periodically.